International Employer of the Year 2025
The competition is searching for organizations in Finland that have successfully recruited, onboarded, and retained immigrants and international talents and invested in multiculturalism and diversity at the workplace.
The competition is organized by JCI Finland.
Competition is open from the 1st of May to the 31st of May 2025.
Competition Rules
Only organizations registered in Finland can be considered for the award title.
There are three categories in the competition: SMEs, Large companies and public organizations.
A nomination for the title of the International Employer can be made only by employees or persons that are not officially affiliated with the organization.
Judging will be based on the nomination form and two surveys targeting management and employees. It is important to answer to the questions as widely as possible.
A partner or a sponsor organization of the competition cannot take part in the competition.
The competition is free of charge for the organizations.
The Prize
The winners of all the three categories in the competition will receive the title International Employer of 2025 of Finland.
and the International Employer of 2025 stamp to be used for their own purposes